Games I play:
Sniper Elite 1, 2, 3, 4, / Sniper Ghost Warrior / Flight Simulator X (PMDG aircraft), / American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator, Just Cause 1-3, FarCry 1 -3. and a few others.
Me and my friends (Mates) all chat live via Discord. we are all very natural and just be ourselves, My gaming streams which are run with Streamlabs OBS. this broadcasts to which in turn sends the stream to loads of other selected sites as in twich and you tube.
I Love playing anything with Multiplayer modes as its a great way to me people. So if you want to watch my streams (Broadcasts) there are links on this site.
My Fight with cancer is still ongoing it will not be cured by they can extend my life. I will fight until I die.