Just after Halloween, I ended up in hospital with bad neumonia. Whilst they medical staff were Doing MRI's CT scans, They found some shadows.
After quite a few examinations they finally diagnosed that I had small cell Cancer in my right Lung, Thorax (Throat) and Glands in my neck were all infected with stage 2 type cancer.
Since then I have undergone Chemotherapy. Which is ok but the Chemo tablets I have to take make me so Ill for a week. all I can taste and smell are the meds. Viale stuff.
Thanks to my Very supportive family and a hell of a lot of On-line Friends, I have a fighting positive drive where I will extend my life a bit longer. As much as This will not be cured, I do have a fight in me to stem the growth of this nasty illness.
Cancer as far as I'm concerned is controlled by positive attitude, and meds. I am proof that the attitude goes a long way to stemming this thing.
I am awaiting the results from my Last CT scan, But from What i have seen so far shows a big improvement.
Well Since February I have gone through Months of Chemotherapy which has shrunk the Cancer by 60%. Sadly this is as far as it goes. Small cell cancer is a real problem. But after the Chemo I had a course of Radiation Some on me chest and Lung and some on the brain. This was to hopefully stop it from growing again to soon.
The radiation has left me with like heavy sun burn to my chest and head. but for anyone who is about to go through this. AS MUCH AS IT IS HARD and does make you ill Please carry on to the end of treatment.
This will not cure me, but it is extending my life. WHAT MORE COULD i ASK FOR.
Will update again soon.